Are You A Contractor? Why You Should Protect Yourself With Contractor Liability Insurance

Posted on: 28 October 2018

Working as a contractor can land you in some very diverse environments. One day could find you in a residential client's home as you repair their walls after a pipe lets loose and destroys the existing drywall. Another project might lead you to a construction site where you put the finishing touches on a new building.  Each of these types of jobs comes with its own set of risks, and it's important for you to protect yourself.
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4 Advantages Of Parking In A Garage

Posted on: 22 September 2018

When you decide where to park your vehicle each night, keep in mind that where you park your vehicle has multiple impacts on your life. Where you park your car can impact the likelihood of your vehicle getting damaged by other drivers or the elements. Where you park your car can help protect it from vandalism and theft. It can also impact your insurance rates. #1 Likelihood of Being Hit is Reduced
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3 Benefits Of Paying Your Homeowners Insurance Through Escrow

Posted on: 23 July 2018

Many homeowners purchase and pay for their own homeowner's insurance policies separately from their mortgages. However, there is another option that works well for many people: paying their homeowner's insurance in escrow. Basically, what this means is that your homeowner's insurance premiums -- and possible your property taxes -- will be included in your monthly mortgage payment.  Then, these smaller amounts of money will be held in escrow and will be used to make your homeowner's insurance and property tax payments for you.
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Is The Minimum Legal Coverage Enough For Auto Insurance?

Posted on: 4 June 2018

When you are looking for ways to cut your expenses, you might consider reducing your car insurance policy to the minimum coverage your state requires. While this is legally possible, cutting your policy to the minimum coverage might not be a good idea. The minimum coverage required by law is not typically sufficient for situations when accidents occur, and here are several things you should know about this. Why states require coverage
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