4 Advantages Of Parking In A Garage

Posted on: 22 September 2018

When you decide where to park your vehicle each night, keep in mind that where you park your vehicle has multiple impacts on your life. Where you park your car can impact the likelihood of your vehicle getting damaged by other drivers or the elements. Where you park your car can help protect it from vandalism and theft. It can also impact your insurance rates.

#1 Likelihood of Being Hit is Reduced

When you park inside a garage, the likelihood of your car getting hit by another vehicle is greatly reduced. When you park your car on the road, you run the risk of your vehicle being sideswiped. If you live on a really busy or narrow stream, this risk is increased.

When you park on the road, you are also at risk from cars trying to park near you. Not everyone is good at parallel parking, and damage to the corners of vehicles from other cars trying to park is common. Finally, you can get damaged from the garage truck or the street sweeper.

#2 Damage from the Elements Is Reduced

When you park outside, your car is at risk of being damaged by natural elements. If there is a hail storm, your vehicle could get damaged. If there was a wind storm, and a branch fell down, it could damage your vehicle. Even the snow and ice could damage your vehicle. Your vehicle is at a much greater chance of being damaged when it is exposed to the elements.

When you park your vehicle inside of a garage, the chances of it being damaged are greatly reduced.

#3 Likelihood of Vandalism Is Reduced

When you park your car on the street, your car could be vandalized. Someone could easily spray paint your car, break a window, or damage it in another way when it is parked outside and you are not watching it all the time. It is a lot harder to spray paint a car or throw a rock through the window when your car is parked in a garage when not in use.

#4 Likelihood of Theft Is Reduced

When you park your car on the street, there is also a greater chance that your car could be stolen. There is a lot more time and opportunity for your car to be stolen when it is outside and not secured inside of a garage. Securing your car inside a garage overnight doesn't mean that your car will not be stolen, but it greatly reduces the chance of that happening.

All of the advantages of parking your car inside of a garage at night is why, if you have a garage, you may get a discount on your car insurance. Your vehicle, for a variety of reasons, is safer when it is parked inside of a garage at night verses sitting out on the street or even in your driveway unprotected from the elements. When your car insurance agent asks where you park your car, the answer matters and can lower your car insurance.
