How To Save On Flood Insurance

Posted on: 12 October 2021

Of all the natural disasters, floods are quite common in America. Therefore, homeowners need to invest in flood insurance because home insurance does not cover floods. Unfortunately, flood insurance policies are pretty expensive, and people are always looking to cut costs. 

That said, this article will cover a couple of ways that you can reduce your flood insurance premiums. So, keep reading, and you might find a way to lower your flood insurance premium.

Choose a Higher Deductible

Flood insurance is no different from car or homeowners insurance. As such, you can lower your premium by selecting a higher deductible. Whenever you make a claim, you'll be required to pay a certain amount before your insurer compensates. By choosing to pay a higher amount, you'll have lowered your premiums slightly.

Flood-Proof Your Home

If your home sits in a location prone to floods, you should consider implementing defense measures that will reduce the effects of floods. Ensure you rebuild low elevation areas with flood-resistant materials. 

Secondly, ensure you have flood openings in place to allow floodwater to flow out of your property without needing a pump. By wetproofing your garages, crawlspaces, and basements, your insurance company will have no other option but to reduce your premiums.

Elevate Your Home

People who reside in flood zones should elevate your home to protect it from floodwaters. Elevate your homes to minimize the damage caused by ranging floods. You can elevate your home by extending the existing foundation or building an elevated floor within the house. If you can keep your house elevated away from potential floodwaters, you'll cut your flood insurance premium by almost half.

Shop Around

Today you can purchase flood insurance policies from different insurance companies. That said, you should consider shopping around and getting multiple quotes when looking for a flood insurance policy. Once you get quotes from various companies, study and compare them. This way, you'll identify an insurer whose rates are cheaper.

If you feel that shopping around or comparing multiple quotes is not what you need, visit an insurance broker or agent, and they'll do it for you. Surprisingly, these experts might also get you some discounts or even help you save money on flood insurance. Other ways to cut flood insurance costs include:

  • Applying for hazard mitigation assistance
  • Moving machines and equipment of higher flows
  • Participate in community flood management program
  • Get an elevation certificate

Reach out to a professional who provides home insurance for more information about your options. 
